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Global school - based student healthy survey Maldives 2009 : Country report

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dc.contributor.author އައިޝަތު ޝިފާ
dc.contributor.author Shifa, Aishath
dc.date.accessioned 2018-05-10T05:32:49Z
dc.date.available 2018-05-10T05:32:49Z
dc.date.issued 2009-01-01
dc.identifier.citation Shifa, A. (2009). Global school – based student healthy survey Maldives 2009 : Country report. Male, Maldives, Ministry of Education. en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://saruna.mnu.edu.mv/jspui/handle/123456789/1874
dc.publisher މިނިސްޓްރީ އޮފް އެޑިއުކޭޝަން en_US
dc.publisher Ministry of Education
dc.subject 13-15 years
dc.subject 13-15 އުމުރު
dc.subject ފުރާވަރު އުމުރު
dc.subject 13-15 aharaai dhemedhu
dc.subject Furaavaru umuru
dc.subject Grade 8-10
dc.subject Mortality
dc.subject މަރުވާ ރޭޓް
dc.subject Maruvaa rate
dc.subject Morbidity
dc.subject ބަލީގެ މިންވަރު އިތުރުވުން
dc.subject ހެނދުނުގެ ސައި
dc.subject Hendhunuge sai
dc.subject Hendhunuge naasthaa
dc.subject Personal hygiene
dc.subject އަމިއްލަ ސާފުތާހިރުކަން
dc.subject Amilla saafu thaahirukan
dc.subject Oral health
dc.subject އަނގައިގެ ސާފުތާހިރުކަން
dc.subject Angaige saafu thaahirukan
dc.subject Bullying
dc.subject ހަނގާ ކުރުން
dc.subject Hangaa kurun
dc.subject Sexual abuse
dc.subject ޖިންސީ ގޯނާ
dc.subject Jinsee goanaa
dc.subject Feeling unsafe
dc.subject ރައްކާތެރިނޫންކަން އިހުސާސްވުން
dc.subject Rahkaatheri noonkan ihusaasvun
dc.subject Damage to self
dc.subject އަަމިއްލަ ނަފްސަށް އަނިޔާވެރިވުން
dc.subject Claahah nudhiaun
dc.subject Amilla nafsah aniyaa verivun
dc.subject Damage to personal property
dc.subject އަމިއްލަ ތަކެއްޗަށް ގެއްލުން ދިނުން
dc.subject Amilla thakechah gehlun dhinun
dc.subject Loneliness
dc.subject ކުލާހަށް ނުދިއައުން
dc.subject އެކަނި ވެރިވުން
dc.subject Ekani verivun
dc.subject Drug buying and selling
dc.subject މަސްތުވާ ތަކެތި ގަނެވިއްކުން
dc.subject Missing classes
dc.subject Masthuvaa thakethi gane vikkun
dc.subject Sedentary behavior (sitting activities)
dc.subject އިށީންދެގެން އިންދެ ކުރެވޭ ކަންތައްތައް
dc.subject Bicycle gai dhiyumaai aun
dc.subject Isheendhegen indhe kurevey kanthatha
dc.subject Walk to and from School
dc.subject ބައިސިކަލްގައި ދިއުމާއި އައުން
dc.subject ހިނގާފައި ސްކޫލަށް ދިއުމާއި އައުން
dc.subject Bicycle to and from School
dc.subject Hingaafai schoolah dhiyumaai aun
dc.subject Baleege minvaru ithuruvun
dc.subject Dietary behaviours
dc.subject ކެއިން ބުއިމުގެ އާދަތައް
dc.subject Kein buimuge aadhathah
dc.subject Violence
dc.subject އަނިޔާ
dc.subject Aniyaa
dc.subject Unintentional injury
dc.subject ގަސްދުގައި ނޫން ގޮތްގޮތުން ލިބޭ އަނިޔާ
dc.subject Gasthuga noon goe gothun libey aniyaa
dc.subject Mental health
dc.subject ނަފްސާނީ ދުޅަހެޔޮކަން
dc.subject Nafsaanee dhulhaheyokan
dc.subject Tobbaco use
dc.subject ދުންފަތުގެ އިސްތިއުމާލު
dc.subject Dhunfathuge isthiumaalu
dc.subject Alcohol use
dc.subject ބަނގުރާ ބޭނުންކުރުން
dc.subject Banguraa beynunkurun
dc.subject Drug use
dc.subject މަސްތުވާތަކެތި ބޭނުންކުރުން
dc.subject Masthuvaa thakethi beynun kurun
dc.subject Sexual behaviours
dc.subject ޖިިންސީގޮތުން ހަރަކާތްތެރިވުން
dc.subject Jinseegothun harakaaitherivun
dc.subject Physical activity
dc.subject ޖިސްމާނީ ހަރަކާތް
dc.subject Jismaanee harakaai
dc.subject Protective factors
dc.subject ހިމާޔަތާއި ގުޅުން ހުރި ކަންތައްތައް
dc.subject Himaayathaai gulhun huri kanthatha
dc.subject Prevalence of Hunger
dc.subject އާންމުގޮތެއްގައި ބަނޑުހައިކަންމަތީ ތިބުން
dc.subject Aanmu gothehgai banduhaikanmathee thibun
dc.subject Fruit and vegetable intake
dc.subject ތަރުކާރީއާއި މޭވާ ބޭނުންކުރާ މިންވަރު
dc.subject Tharukaaree aa meyvaa beynunkuraa minvaru
dc.subject Carbonated drinks
dc.subject ތައްޔާާރީ ބުއިންތައް
dc.subject Thahyaaree buinthah
dc.subject Fast food
dc.subject ތައްޔާރީ ކާނާ
dc.subject Thahyaareee kaanaa
dc.subject Perception
dc.subject ދެކޭގޮތް
dc.subject Dhekey goiy
dc.subject Weight
dc.subject ބަރުދަން
dc.subject Barudhan
dc.subject Maintenance of weight
dc.subject ބަރުުދަން ބެލެހެއްޓުން
dc.subject Barudhan belehettun
dc.subject Breakfast
dc.subject ހެނދުނުގެ ނާސްތާ
dc.title Global school - based student healthy survey Maldives 2009 : Country report en_US
dc.title.alternative 2009 Maldives GSHS Report en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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