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Functional translation of the constitution of the Republic of Maldives 2008

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dc.date.accessioned 2017-10-11T03:50:37Z
dc.date.available 2017-10-11T03:50:37Z
dc.date.issued 2008-01-01
dc.identifier.citation Functional translation of the constitution of the Republic of Maldives 2008. (2008). en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://Saruna.mnu.edu.mv/jspui/handle/123456789/514
dc.description Done by Ms. Dheena Hussain at the request of Ministry of Legal reform, information and arts en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Constitution -- Maldives en_US
dc.subject Constitution en_US
dc.subject legislative power
dc.subject executive power
dc.subject judicial power
dc.subject state, sovereignty, citizens
dc.subject fundamental rights and freedom
dc.subject The Peoples Majlis
dc.subject The president
dc.subject Cabinet of Ministers
dc.subject Judiciary
dc.subject independent commissions and offices
dc.subject Judicial Service Commission
dc.subject Elections Commission
dc.subject Civil Service Commission
dc.subject Human Rights Commission
dc.subject Anti Corruption Commission
dc.subject Auditor General
dc.subject Prosecutor General
dc.subject Decentralized administration
dc.subject Security Services
dc.subject Property, liabilities and legal actions of the state
dc.subject state of emergency
dc.subject Amendment to the constitution
dc.subject Application and construction of the constitution
dc.subject Transitional matters
dc.subject Oaths of Office
dc.subject National flag
dc.subject ޤައުމީ ދިދަ
dc.subject ްދައުލަތާއި، އަމިއްލަ ވެރިކަމާއި، ރައްޔިތުނ
dc.subject އަސާސީ ޙައްޤުތަކާއި މިނިވަންކަން
dc.subject ރައްޔިތުންގެ މަޖިލިސް
dc.subject ރައީސުލްޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާ
dc.subject ްވަޒީރުންގެ މަޖިލިސ
dc.subject ޢަދްލު އިންޞާފު ޤާއިމްކުރުމުގެ ބާރު
dc.subject މުސްތަޤިއްލު ކޮމިޝަންތަކާއި މުސްތަޤިއްލު މަޤާމްތައް
dc.subject ޖުޑީޝަލް ސަރވިސް ކޮމިޝަން
dc.subject ްއިލެކްޝަންސް ކޮމިޝަނ
dc.subject ސިވިލް ސަރވިސް ކޮމިޝަން
dc.subject ހިއުމަން ރައިޓްސް ކޮމިޝަން
dc.subject އެންޓި ކޮރަޕްޝަން ކޮމިޝަން
dc.subject އޮޑިޓަރ ޖެނެރަލް
dc.subject ޕްރޮސިކިއުޓަރ ޖެނެރަލް
dc.subject ލާމަރުކަޒީ އުޞޫލުން އިދާރީ ދާއިރާތައް ހިންގުން
dc.subject ސަލާމަތީ ޚިދުމަތްތައް
dc.subject ދައުލަތުގެ މިލްކުވެރިކަމާއި، މާލީ ޒިންމާތަކާއި ދަޢުވާތައް
dc.subject ުކުއްލި ނުރައްކަލުގެ ޙާލަތކ
dc.subject ާޤާނޫނުއަސާސީ އިޞްލާޙުކުރުނ
dc.subject ޤާނޫނުއަސާސީއަށް ޢަމަލުކުރުމާއި މާނަކުރުން
dc.subject އިންތިޤާލީ ކަންތައްތަކާބެހޭ ބާބު
dc.subject ިއެކިއެކި މަޤާމުގެ ހުވައ
dc.title Functional translation of the constitution of the Republic of Maldives 2008 en_US
dc.type Book en_US

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