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The elite of the Maldives : sociopolitical organisation and change

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dc.contributor.author Colton, Elizabeth Overton
dc.date.accessioned 2020-07-07T13:04:30Z
dc.date.available 2020-07-07T13:04:30Z
dc.date.issued 1995-01-01
dc.identifier.citation Colton, E. O. (1995). The elite of the Maldives : sociopolitical organisation and change. London School of Economics and Political Science. en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://saruna.mnu.edu.mv/jspui/handle/123456789/6793
dc.description.abstract This thesis exam ines the elite o f the M aldive Islands, during a period o f great technoeconom ic change from 1976 until 1983. This ethnographic study is concerned with the nature o f the M aldivian national elite, in particular the reiterative evidence o f both repetition and change in its sociopolitical organisation. The first part o f the thesis presents the principles o f the study and introduces the ethnographic setting o f the elite o f M aldives. The Preface establishes the historical and m ethodological fo u n d a tio n o f the study. Chapter 1 outlines the fo c i o f the thesis and places it within a general anthropological fram ew ork. Chapter 2 places the elite w ithin the context o f the M aldivian geographical setting, history, and classification systems. The second part o f the study sets out the basic building blocks o f the elite system. Chapter 3 essentially defines the M aldivian elite and describes the stratification system, politics, and the econom ic basis fo r the elite's power. Chapter 4 presents the basic building blocks o f kinship and affinity-- including sibling group, affines (especially brothers-in-law, lia n o o ). and friendship. Chapter 5 focuses upon the special role o f the “h o u se” as the basic p o litical unit o f the M aldivian elite. The third part o f this thesis discusses the use o f the elite system over time. Chapter 6 provides a detailed description o f the “po litica l g a m e ”, including the im portance o f protocol, ritualistic functions, and governm ent service. Chapter 7 details the m eans o f social control, including the rewards and punishm ents fo r the elite. Chapter 8 describes the patterns and cycles o f political conflict within the M aldivian elite system. The conclusion argues that the com plex M aldivian elite system, with its evidence o f change at the tim e o f this study as a result o f com plex processes o f m odernisation in com bination with a clear repetition o f patterns and reiterative cycles over time, presents a m odel o f evolutionary replication o f a sociopolitical system. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher London School of Economics and Political Science en_US
dc.title The elite of the Maldives : sociopolitical organisation and change en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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