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Showing results 3073 to 3092 of 14787 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007-01Rapid assessment of perceptions into environmental education in Maldivian schoolsShafeeqa, Fathimath; Ahmed, Zameela; Smith, Jady; Jauhary, Ahmed Riyaz; Glen, Elaine; Nielsen, Christian; ފާޠިމަތު ޝަފީގާ; ޒަމީލާ އަޙްމަދު; ޖާޑީ ސްމިތު; އަޙްމަދު ރިޔާޒް ޖައުހަރީ; އެލެއިން ގްލެން; ކްރިސްޓިއަން ނީލްސަން
2008-01A rapid assessment of perceptions into environmental management : Soneva Fushi resort and Soneva Gili resort, Maldives vol 1Shafeeqa, Fathimath; Glen, Elaine; Ahmed, Zameela; Smith, Jady
2006-05A rapid assessment of perceptions into environmental management in the Maldives : volume 1 : environmental education and community mobilisationSmith, Jady; Nielsen, Christian; Shafeega, Fathimath; Ahmed, Zameela; Henderson, Robbie; ޖޭޑީ ސްމިތް; ކޮރިސްޓިއަން ނިއެލްސަން; ފާތިމަތު ޝަފީގާ; ޒަމީލާ އަޙްމަދު; ރޮބީ ހެންޑޭސަން
2008-10-01Rapid assessment of the housing situation in the Maldivesހިޔުމަން ރައިޓްސް ކޮމިޝަަން އޮފް ދަ މޯލްޑިވުސް; Human Rights Commission of the Maldives
2019Rapid assessment summary for development of social & behavior change communication strategy : the first 1000-days of life-
2019Rapid assessment summary for development of social & behaviour change communication strategy : the first 1000 days of lifeMinistry of Health; Health Protection Agency; United Nations Children’s Fund
2010-01Rapid environmental assessment and management plan for seawater basin and batching plant STELCO, Malé, Maldives : second addendum to environmental impact assessment for the fourth power projectSandcays
2013-01Rapid flooding assessment completed for selected islands-
2017-12-27Rapid integrated assessment (RIA) to assess the Maldives readiness to implement the SDGsSobir, Raniya
2020Rapid livelihood assessment : impact of the COVID-19 crisis in the MaldivesMinistry of Economic Development; UNDP
2020Rapid livelihood assessment : impact of the covid-19 crisis in the Maldives-
2020Rapid livelihood assessment : impact of the COVID-19 crisis in the Maldives : assessment phase I, 28 May 2020Ministry of Economic Development; UNDP
2012-08Rapid situation assessment of gangs in Male’The Asia Foundation; Maldives Institute for Psychological Services, Training and Research; ދި އޭޝިއާ ފައުންޑޭޝަން; މޯލްޑިވްސް އިންސްޓިޓިއުޓް ފޯރ ސައިކޮލޮޖިކަލް ސާރވިސަސް، ޓްރެއިނިންގ އެންޑް ރިސާރޗް
2002-12A rare case of land scarcity : the issue of urban land in the MaldivesBertaud, Alain
2012Reaching the community through community radio : readjusting to the new realities : a case study investigating the changing nature of community access and participation in three community radio stations in three countries New Zealand, Nepal and Sri LankaNafiz, Ahmed Zaki; އަހުމަދު ޒަކީ ނާފިޒު
2016-09Reading the past, writing the future-
2020-12-02Realizing the Future of Learning: From Learning Poverty to Learning for Everyone, EverywhereWorld Bank Group; ވޯރލްޑް ބޭންކް ގްރޫޕް
2016-11Reason of increasing number of HTN cases in Dh. KudahuvadhooZoona, Fathimath
2019-05-29Reason to be cautiously optimistic to break the 2 million mark in tourist arrivalsShakoor, Ibrahim Athif; އިބްރާހިމް އާތިފް ޝަކޫރް
2016-05-01Reasons for smoking among the teenagers in HA. MaarandhooRiyaz, Hussain