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dc.contributor.authorCDE Consultant-
dc.identifier.citationCDE Consultant. (2012). Environmental impact assessment for the proposed : shore protection, services jetty construction and neru maintenance dredging project in Holiday Island Resort, South Ari atoll. Male': Maldivesen_US
dc.titleEnvironmental impact assessment for the proposed : shore protection, services jetty construction and neru maintenance dredging project in Holiday Island Resort, South Ari atollen_US
dc.title.alternativeއަރި އަތޮޅު ދެކުނުބުރި ހޮލިޑޭ އައިލެންޑް ރިޒޯޓްގެގޮނޑުދޮށް ހިމާޔަތްކުރުމާއި ސަރވިސް ޖެޓީ ހެދުމާއި ނެރު އަލުން ފުންކުރުމުގެ މަޝްރޫޢުން ތިމާވެއްޓަށްއަސަރުކުރާނެމިންވަރުބަޔާންކުރާރިޕޯޓްen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
dcterms.abstractThe purpose of this document is to fulfil the requirements to get necessary environmental clearance from the Environmental Protection Agency to carry out the proposed shore protection and jetty construction projectin Holiday Island Resort, South Ari Atoll. The proponent of this project is Villa Shipping and Trading Co. Pvt. Ltd. The main rational for the project is to improve the access facilities for service vessels to Holiday Island, and mitigate coastal erosion. The eastern end of Holiday Island faces severe erosion in some areasmainly due to the presence of deep dredged areas to the east (between Holiday Island and Maamigili Island). On the other hand, the service jetty, located south of the eroding coastline, requires immediate attention as sediment accumulation is occurring in the area. The project involves construction of a 285m long alongside quay wall using sheet piles,redredging of an area of 115 m by 175 m adjacent to the quay wall to allow access for service vessels and maintenance dredging of the 120 m by 25 m reef entrance channel. The area between the sheet piled quay wall and the existing shoreline will be backfilled using the dredged material. The existing beach material on the eastern end of the island will be used for beach replenishment on the northern side to mitigate erosion occurring in the area. Armour rock boulders will be placed on either end of the quay wall for shore protection. Material from channel maintenance dredging will be placed alongside it. All project activities will be in conformance to the laws and regulations of the Maldives, and relevant international conventions that Maldives is party to. The key laws and regulations applicable to this project are: Environmental Protection and Preservation Act, Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation 2012 and the Tourism Act. The proposed project site has already been dredged, and no live corals were observed in the area. The bottom is composed of fine white sand. High levels of sedimentation and turbidity, as well as recently dead corals covered in algae and sediment were observed in the lagoon areas to the north and south of the island shore. Few Acropora and boulder corals were observed in the lagoon area to the south of the island. High sedimentation was also observed in the reef, where live coral, mainly Acropora nasuta, Acropora tenius and corals belonging to Family Pocillopora, composed about 29% of the benthic cover. Significant impacts of this project during construction phase of the project are the potential impact of sedimentation on the marine water quality and consequent impact on marine life, direct loss of marine life within the project footprint and the health and safety risks to construction workers. All these impacts can be minimized with proper mitigation measures recommended in the report The main mitigation measures include carrying out construction activities during low tide hours and calm weather, deployment of silt screen or construction of bunds where appropriate to reduce sediment dispersal and avoid adverse sedimentation impacts and proper supervision of all activities by qualified personnel. The work schedule and duration will also be planned to avoid disruptive weather conditions and complete construction activities in the shortest time possible. The alternatives evaluated for the project are project design, service jetty location, quay wall construction material, dredging methods; dredge waste disposal sites, sediment containment measures and alternative sheet piling technology. The “No Project” option has also been explored and this option is not deemed preferable, given the condition of the existing service jetty and the need for erosion management along the north eastern coastline. The use of a cutter suction dredger is the preferred option for dredging method, since it is available on site and reduces the time period required for completion of project activities. Monitoring plan is designed to assess any changes to the coral reef environment of the island, coastal changes and depth variations of jetty area as well the marine water quality as these are the key areas that could be impacted from this project. The management plan for this project is designed to produce a framework for anticipated impacts, including practicable and achievable performance requirements and systems for monitoring, reporting and implementing corrective actions. In addition, it provides evidence of compliance to legislation, policies, guidelines and requirements of relevant authorities. In conclusion, this project has been designed in conformance to the relevant laws and regulations of Maldives. The most significant impacts are expected to be short-term impacts on the marine water quality, coral reef and lagoon bottom habitats. However, mitigation measures have been proposed to adequately minimise these significant impacts-
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