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dc.contributor.authorLa Mer Group-
dc.identifier.citationLa Mer Group. (2012). Environmental impact assessment report harbor expansion project Feeali faafu Atoll. Male': Maldivesen_US
dc.description.abstract1. This Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report is to fulfill the regulatory requirements under the Environmental Protection and Preservation Act of Maldives prior to the proposed harbor expansion at Feeali in Faafu Atoll. 2. Project proponent of the proposed harbor restoration project is Ministry of Housing and Environment. The construction contract for the project was awarded to Maldives Transport and Contracting Company. LaMer Group Pvt Ltd is assigned the EIA Consultancy. 3. Feeali is located in Faafu atoll, 113 km from Male’. Nearest inhabited island is F. Bilehdhoo (16.9 km on the south western side). In terms of geographic coordinates, it is located at 3° 16' 10'' N and 73° 0' 8'' E. Nearest island is F. Vilin’gilivarufinolhi, located 0.65 km north east of Feeali. 4. The proposed development project involves extension of Feeali harbor to the northwestern side by including the existing reclaimed area and lagoon on that side. Under the proposed project, the new section of the harbor will have a length of 61m while width will be approximately 75 m. The total length of quay wall constructed as part of harbor expansion is 122.6 m. Two breakwater segments, will be constructed one on each side (northwest and southwest) of the existing breakwater, along its length, with lengths of 112.2m and 29.68 m each. An area of 2500m2 of the existing reclaimed area will be excavated during the expansion work. Maintenance dredging will be carried out at areas where necessary (shallow area in existing harbor basin). 5. The existing harbor facility is located at the southwestern side of the island and is accessed by an entrance channel south of the harbor. The project boundaries are existing harbor area, reclaimed area northwest of the existing harbor, shoreline northwest of the harbor up to the western corner of the island and reef at this proposed expansion and reclamation area. The proposed project’s scope includes harbor expansion work as well as maintenance dredging of existing harbor to increase the width of existing harbor basin to 75 m. The sediment plume generated due to proposed dredging works is envisaged to be directed south westwards. 6. The existing harbor will be expanded northwestwards to 61m under the proposed project by excavating the existing reclaimed area on that side of the harbor. Breakwater constructed of rock boulders will be located at the north western and northeastern side of existing breakwater. The proposed project will increase the current size of the harbor to 152m. When completed the harbor will have one entrance (existing entrance) protected by a small sized breakwater. 7. The existing breakwaters will be joined to two new breakwater segments on the north and south western side of the existing structure to form a total breakwater of 257m. ` 2 Total quay wall length after completion will be 244m. The entrance channel will be protected by a short breakwater wall on both sides at the point where the channel meets the harbor basin. Proposed revetment on the northwestern side of the harbor will have a length of approximately 20m while that on the southwestern side (constructed adjacent to the breakwater on the side of the entrance channel) will have a length of approximately 15m. Design depth of entrance and basin is -3MSL. 8. Approximately 17,500m3 of dredged material will be generated by the maintenance dredging works. 3,000m3 of this sand will be used for backfilling works of the quay wall while the remaining 14,500m3 of sand will be stock piled at the western side reclaimed land, thereby avoiding the need for disposal (as requested by the community in the stakeholder consultation meeting). 9. The proposed harbor expansion area involves incorporating the existing reclaimed area to the northwest of the harbor. The finish design depth of the harbor basin and entrance channel will be -3MSL (areas shallower than -3MLS will be deepened to design depth at the burrow area). 10. Existing environment was examined to identify significant environmental components that would be affected and to establish a baseline condition of the site. Available and relevant literature on environmental impacts associated with similar projects was evaluated to identify possible impacts. Oceanographic data and information on local hydrodynamics were qualitatively assessed to determine the current pattern around the island which was based on monsoonal wind patterns, wind generated waves, tidal flushing, geographic setting, the topography of the lagoon and shape of the shoreline. 11. The reef flat area in front of the harbor had relatively good live coral cover in comparison to the other two sites surveyed (near the existing jetty and entrance channel to existing harbor). Acroporids of digitate, branching and tabulate forms dominated the live coral cover in this area. 12. Since the project is an expansion project, environmental impacts associated with the proposed project are considered minor to moderate. Significant environmental components that are likely to be affected include sea water quality and coral community and at the harbor front area and harbor expansion area. The most significant impact associated with the project would be impact on these habitats from sedimentation. Dredging and excavation often carry a heavy load of sediments increasing sediment load in the water column causing discoloration due to suspended sediments of the impact area for a prolonged period. Since the project is small in scale in addition to restoration in nature, the extent of sediment plume is expected to be small and limited to the harbor basin and vicinity. 13. Mitigation measures have been provided for impacts associated with the project related works that have been categorized as minor to moderate. Impact mitigation measures and monitoring is carried out to compare predicted and actual impacts occurring from project activities to determine the efficiency of the mitigation measures. It has to be noted that no EIA has been carried out for the development of the harbor and no environmental monitoring has been done since the completion of harbor, and extent of changes to habitats such as sea grass, coral reef and shoreline is not known. 14. The project also brings about increased positive benefits such as greater space within the harbor easing the current issue of overcrowding of berthing area due to small size of the harbor. 15. Stakeholder consultations were carried out as part of the EIA process. All stakeholders were in favor of the project and stated that the initial design had been discussed with them. They also stated that the ideas they proposed towards the initial design have now been incorporated into the current design. The main issue raised by the stakeholders was the backspill of sediments from the proposed reclaimed area into the harbor basin through the opening on the northwestern side. They stated that they would like to propose the construction of a low crested wall at this opening to minimize spill of sediments into the basin. The community also requested to stockpile the dredged material at the western side of the harbor since coastal protection for dredged material disposal is not included in the scope of work. 16. With due consideration to main environmental components identified and the magnitude of impacts on these components from the proposed developments, the consultant concludes that the project components and designs are feasible and appropriate mitigation measures are given to correct and minimize unfavorable environmental consequences. Furthermore, the public and community consultation responses were in favor of the project due to the socio-economic benefits foreseen to the community from a functional harbor.en_US
dc.titleEnvironmental impact assessment report harbor expansion project Feeali Faafu Atollen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
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