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dc.contributor.authorRiyaz, Mahmood-
dc.contributor.authorM.S Adam-
dc.identifier.citationRiyaz, M. & M.S Adam. (2008). Environmental impact assessment : for the proposed development on Kohdhdhipparu Island, North Male' Atoll : for the development of fresh fish packing facility and construction of a harbour.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis is the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report carried out for the development of necessary facilities in Kodhdhipparu Island to establish a business of purchasing packaging and export of fresh fish products. The proposed project includes dredging a harbor (201x102m), reclaiming area of 20,500 sqm by using dredged material and development of project facilities and infrastructure to establish and operate the business of purchasing packaging and export of fresh fish products in Kodhdhipparu Island. Due to the small size of the island any such development could not be accommodated and the proposed dredging and reclamation has been identified as a necessary need to establish and operate the proposed development. The EIA was prepared as fulfilment of the requirement by the Ministry of Fisheries, Agriculture and Marine Resources (MoFAMR) for granting permission for the project. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of development projects is a requirement by the Environmental Protection and Preservation Act (EPPA) (law 4/93) of the Government of the Republic of Maldives. The total cost of the proposed project is approximately 61.74 million Maldivian Rufiyaa. The project will be developed within 18 months. The project will create a relatively large number of direct and indirect employment opportunities throughout the country. Therefore the project will significantly contribute to the economic growth, particularly fisheries sector, and other relevant socio economic activities This report has been prepared in accordance with the Environmental Impact assessment Regulations published by the Ministry of Environment Energy and Water in May 2007 and covers both negative and positive environmental and socioeconomic impact arising from the proposed project in Kodhdhipparu Island. Major findings of this report are based on previous IEIA report prepared for the reclamation of the island and information gathered during the field inspection of both the existing environment and possible effects of the project activities, through extensive literature review and experiences gained from similar projects elsewhere in the Maldives. The proposed project activity will take place in Kodhdhipparu island (man-made island by the act of accreting sand around existing small sand bank by using coastal structures constructed on the shallow areas on the eastern side of Kodhdhipparu Falhu). The island lies on an irregular shape reef, with a deep lagoon at the center. Kodhdhipparu Island is located on the eastern end of the E-W oriented Kodhdhipparu Falhu on the southwestern side of North Male Atoll. Kodhdhipparu being located on the southwester rim of the atoll it is exposed to high energy oceanic swells during the southwest monsoon and refracted, reflected and regenerated indirect fetch waves during the northeasterly monsoon. Due to the exposure of Kodhdhipparu reef to the direct oceanic waves during southwest monsoon the calmest area within the Falhu is on the eastern end. Hence Mr.Ali Fulhu who started constructing the island was aware that the eastern end of the reef is the most stable area with the least energy within Kodhdhipparu Falhu. Analysis of the aerial photo of the 1969 shows, that the island was initiated and developed on the lee side of Kodhdhipparu reef from a nodal point. The nodal point was formed on the northwestern part of Kodhdhipparu reef where incident wave energy from both NW and western side of the reef was low and sediment load carried by the wave were dumped and deposited around this nodal point and shaped by the prevailing current direction. The fact that Kodhdhipparu Island being a man-made cay, it does not have a proper soil layer with humus content. Most of the existing plant species are very young and introduced by the workers in order to stabilize the cay and hold sediments. Most of the vegetation consists of very basic salt and spray tolerant coastal plants, dominated mainly with, Scaevola sp. Tournafortia sp. Pemphis sp. and some coastal shrubs. Recently planted beach hibiscus, coconut trees, and Thespesia sp exist at the central part of the island. Love birds and parrots are being introduced and reared at the island in cages. Shorebirds and seabirds were known to visit the island. Two species of reptiles were observed, these were the mourning gecko (Lapidodactylus lugubris) and the garden lizard (Calotes versicolor). The overall reef of Kodhdiipparu reef is not in a good condition However, small Acropora colonies were observed which indicates that coral recruitment is taking place. Generally the live coral cover does not exceed 10% in any part of the surveyed area and consists of coral mainly branching and table corals. Percentage of dead coral was found to be very high 30-75% in most areas, particularly on the northern and northwestern side. Sixty species of fish belonging to 16 families were observed during the survey. Large school of redtoothed trigger fishes, Odonus niger were observed on the reef slope. The water in Kodhdhipparu is highly saline and not usable for washing or gardening. At present fresh water on the island is transported from Male and supplemented by the rainwater catchments. During the preparation of the EIA report an impact matrix, which is a standard tool for identifying the possible impacts of project activities, has been created for proposed development project in Kodhdhiipparu. The activities carried out during the construction and post-construction or operational phases are arrayed against a selection of environmental factors that may be affected directly or indirectly as a result of project activities. The report has identified and described in detail possible change that would occur to the existing condition of the environment caused during the construction phase and have suggested appropriate mitigation measures for each and every impact identified in the report. Sedimentation and increase in suspended sediment level in the water, has been identified as the most significant negative environmental impact that could be associated with dredging and reclamation, breakwater construction, improper location of stockpiles and storage of construction material etc. High level of sedimentation and suspended sediment in the water will increase lagoon turbidity, which affects benthic organism and fish and prolonged periods of sedimentation could cause ‘suffocation’ and smothering of coral and the overall ecology of the shallow marine environments. Installation of silt screens construction of settling ponds and bundwalls has been suggested as mitigation measures of anticipated impacts from increased sedimentation and turbidity level of the water column during dredging and reclamation. The report recommended to take the dredging and reclamation activities in calmer weather condition and preferably at low tides during NE monsoon period because it is expected to transport the bulk of sediments suspended in the water by the currents into the deep waters and disperse faster, this will contribute for significant reduction in impacts associated with sedimentation. Liquid, solid and other forms of wastes and particularly hazardous waste generated during the construction and operational phase has also been identified as significant impact associated with the project and appropriate mitigation measures are suggested for each and every waste related impact identified in the study. The report has recommended that if the proposed Kodhdhipparu facility is to be maintain the international industry standards it should achieve and maintain the emission and effluent levels as the guideline for the industry, which is the environmental management and performance indicator, yardstick to weigh the performance of similar project in the world. The study has evaluated alternative options for some components of the project and has suggested some modifications for the harbour and breakwater design to allow better protection of the harbor and water circulation within the harbour basin. For the safe disposal of chemicals, laboratory wastes plastic wastes and other wastes that are non-biodegradable, the report recommends to procure an incinerator of appropriate capacity for the project. Also the report found, based on the similar project activities elsewhere in the Maldives, the island and the reef will recover from the expected impacts rapidly and will re-establish a new ecological balance soon. However the report has come-up with an extensive monitoring programme that will keep on monitoring the environmental changes associated with the development and make necessary adjustment to the activities of the project based on the findings of various measured environmental parameters suggested in the monitoring and environmental management plan. On the basis this environmental impact assessment study and the impact mitigation measures proposed in the report will be duly implemented and recommendations are given due consideration, it is concluded that the benefits of the planned redevelopment in Kodhdhipparu Island will substantially outweigh its imposition on the environment.en_US
dc.titleEnvironmental impact assessment : for the proposed development on Kohdhdhipparu Island, North Male' Atoll : for the development of fresh fish packing facility and construction of a harbouren_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
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