Browsing by Subject Beach nourishment

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011-07Environmental assessment on proposed beach nourishment and environmental audit on desalination and power generation activities, Vakarufalhi Island Resort, South Ari Atoll, MaldivesSandcays
2010-08-01Environmental impact assessment : coastal protection at Paradise Island Resort, Kaafu Atoll, MaldivesSandcays
2016-11Environmental impact assessment for the proposed artificial beach in Ga. Villingili, North Huvadhu AtollRiyaz, Mahmood; Adam, Mohamed Shiham
2011-01Environmental impact assessment for the proposed beach nourishment activities at Constance Halaveli Resort, North Alifu Atoll, MaldivesWater Solutions
2013-08Environmental impact assessment for the proposed coastal modifications at Vakarufalhi Island Resort, South Ari Atoll, MaldivesSandcays
2013-10Environmental impact assessment for the proposed coastal modifications Chaaya Lagoon Hakuraa HuraaSandcays
2011-02Environmental impact assessment proposed access channel to arrival jetty Taj Exotica Resort and Spa, South Malé Atoll, MaldivesSandcays
2011-10Environmental impact assessment report for resort development at Kudavillingili, Kaafu AtollLand and Marine Environmental Resources Group
2011-05Environmental impact assessment report for the proposed removal of seagrass and beach nourishment Diva Maldives, South Ari Atoll, MaldivesSandcays
2011-08Initial environmental evaluation for beach replenishment at Kadhdhoo Airport VIP Area, Laamu AtollSandcays
2011-09Initial environmental examination (IEE) for beach nourishment at Angsana Resort and Spa, Velavaru, Dhaalu AtollSandcays
2015-01-01Tourism sector: shoreline and beach protectionThe Maldives Tourism Adaptation Project
2006-11ގޮނޑުދޮށް ބެލެހެއްޓުން : އެންވަޔަރަންމަންޓަލް އެޑިއުކޭޝަން ޓޫލްކިޓްއަޒްލިފާ އަޙްމަދު; މަރިޔަމް ނަޝާތު; ފާތިމަތު ޝަފީޤާ; ޒަމީލާ އަޙްމަދު; ޝިރުމީން އަޙްމަދު; އަޙްމަދު ރިޔާޒު ޖައުހަރީ; Ahmed, Azlifa; Nashaath, Mariyam; Shafeeqa, Fathimath; Ahmed, Zameela; Ahmed, Shirumeen; Jauharee, Ahmed Riyaz