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Title: Environmental impact assessment for the construction of a harbour in Gaafaru Island, North Male’ Atoll, Maldives
Authors: Water Solutions
Keywords: Project description
Project setting
Existing environment of Maldives
Environmental impacts
Stakeholder consultations
Environmental management and monitoring plan
Issue Date: Nov-2015
Citation: Water Solutions. (2015). Environmental impact assessment for the construction of a harbour in Gaafaru Island, North Male’ Atoll, Maldives. Male': Maldives
Abstract: This report discusses the findings of a social and environmental impact study undertaken by Water Solutions Pvt. Ltd. upon request from Ministry of Housing and infrastructure. The project involves construction of a harbour in the island of Gaafaru in, North Male’ Atoll. The harbour project in Gaafaru is slightly different from the conventional harbours developed elsewhere in Maldives. Gaafaru island already has a harbour constructed to ease the difficulties faced due to difficulty in accessing the island. However, over time, this harbour has been damaged and the need to accommodate more and larger vessels has been realized since its construction. The present harbour is presently in need of upgrading and enlargement. As the only practical options for expansion is possible towards the north-west side (for reasons outlined later in the report), it has been decided to move the harbour basin further west. As a result, it has been decided to fill the existing harbour basin and dredge a new basin further west. The quay walls and the breakwaters will then be constructed for the new harbour basin. The present harbour basin will thus become part of the island. The proposed project is therefore geared towards developing a third generation harbour in the island. The present basin will be filled to move the quay wall further west in the shallow lagoon. This project will therefore have a reclamation component to increase land area of the island in addition to the harbour development. This harbour is expected to ease many of the challenges faced by the islanders, especially for the vessel owners, as safe mooring will be guaranteed. Presently, the damaged harbour is causing lot of difficulties for vessel owners. A detail environmental and social assessment was undertaken for this project and the findings are reported in this EIA. This EIA has been prepared to assess the social and environmental impacts of this project. Although this is not a completely new development, significant negative impacts on the marine environment will be felt through permanent habited modification and direct destruction of the marine environment. Similarly, the coral reef will be directly and indirectly impacted from this project. At the same time, the socio-economic impacts of the project will be significantly felt on a very larger group, and not necessarily the islanders only. In such projects, environmental damage cannot be avoided and hence the goal should be to undertake the works in the most least damaging manner. As a large area of the marine environment will be affected, careful implementation of mitigation measures and adopting methods which minimizes damage will be key for this project. Most of these measures are best practice guidelines and protocols that does not require a lot of money to implement. In view of the assessment, the environmental damages to marine resources have been considered significant due to the nature of the project. The impacts are likely to be felt on an estimated 14% of the reef, mostly along the inner basin of Gaafaru atoll. These environmental impacts were assessed for both construction and operation phase of the project and the majority of the negative impacts will be felt during the construction stage. However significant these negative impacts are, they should be compared and assessed with the socioeconomic benefits gained by developing the harbour. As a result, a comprehensive monitoring component has been suggested which takes in to consideration, the most important elements that require regular monitoring such as the changes to the sediment movement around the island. This monitoring component will be adhered and will allow the assessment of long term changes resulting from the project. One of the important monitoring aspects will be the socioeconomic impacts. Stakeholder consultations were held with various groups, including the island council and the client in order to incorporate the socio-economic components in the project. Stakeholders, most importantly the island community represented by the Island council was the most significant as they have the maximum knowledge and experience from the daily difficulties faced due to lack of a harbour. Apart from this, the council receives complains from boat owners and others on a daily basis with regard to this. The development of the harbour in Gaafaru will have significant negative environmental impacts to the island environment, most of which will be felt on the marine environment. The project takes place in an environment that has been modified or damaged. Nevertheless, environmental impacts are going to be major. However, the social impacts of this project will be significant and will benefit the community as well as other the region. The additional land acquired for the island and how useful it is in the long term is questionable as experience from other projects in the Maldives have shown. Hence, the land use plan of the island must be carefully developed in order to ensure that the land acquired will be useful for generations to come.
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