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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 356
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-06-26ޝާފިޔާގެ އެދުރު އަށި: އުނގެނުމަށް ފަހި ވަޒަންކުރުން ރާވާނީ ކިހިނެއް؟އާމިނަތު ޝާފިޔާ އާދަމް; Adam, Aminath Shafiya
2015-06-30Learning from a small state’s experience : acknowledging the importance of context in implementing learner-centred pedagogyDi Biase, Rhonda; ރޮންޑާ ޑި ބަޔާސް
2023-02ދުރުމީއާއިޝަތު ރިފްޤާ ރަޝީދު, އާއިޝަތު ރިފްޤާ ރަޝީދު
2016-07-15ދުނިޔޭގެ އެންމެ ދޮށީ ކުތުބުޚާނާ މަރާމާތުކޮށް އަލުން ހުޅުވިއްޖެ!އަޙްމަދު ސަމީރު; Sameeru, Ahmed
2022-12ދުރުމީމަރިޔަމް ސަޢީދާ
2023-04ދުރުމިއައިމިނަތް ޝާފިޔާ އާދަމް, އައިމިނަތް ޝާފިޔާ އާދަމް
2018-08Factors that influence writing in english language classrooms : a case study of a secondary school in the MaldivesIbna, Fathimath
2015-11-01; 2015-12-14; 2018-04-02ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގައި ތަޢުލީމު ދިނުމުގެ ޤަދީމީ ތާރީޚް : ބާބު 1ޙަސަން ޙަމީދު; Hameed, Hassan
2020-02-05Assessment of the legal education curriculum in the Maldives : final reportޖުލިއަން ވެބް; Julian Webb
2019-04Maldives Education Sector Plan-
2021-08-02ޝާފިޔާގެ އެދުރުއަށި : މުދައްރިސުންނަށް އެކްޝަން ދިރާސާ މުހިންމު ވަނީ ކީއްވެ؟އާމިނަތު ޝާފިޔާ އާދަމް, Adam, Aiminath Shaafiya
2018-08Under-preparedness of teachers to teach life skills education in the national curriculumZahir, Hidaya Mohamed
2021Emerging stronger: policy directions for COVID-19 and beyond for public schools in the MaldivesNishan, Fathmath; Mohamed, Ahmed; ފާޠިމަތު ނިޝާން; އަޙްމަދު މުޙައްމަދު
2014-01Knowledge is wisdom? : observations from primary classrooms in the MaldivesFittel, David
2019-02Maldives Education sector analysis-
2017-07-14މިއަދު ޢަމަލުކުރެވެމުންދާ ތަޢުލީމީ ނިޒާމު އިޞްލާޙުކުރުމުގެ ބޭނުންތެރިކަންއަޙްމަދު ފާރޫޤް މުޙައްމަދު; Mohamed, Ahmed Faarooq
2019-12Developing skills in youth to succeed in the evolving south Asian economy-
2011The effect of transformational leadership on school culture in Male’ primary schools MaldivesNgang, Tang Keow
2011Improving efficiency of schooling in the Maldives : is De-shifting a desirable policy directions?Sheryn, Aishath; އައިޝަތު ޝެރީން
2014-03-20!!ތަޢުލީމުދިނުމުގެ މައިގަނޑު މަޤުޞަދުތައް، ރައްޖޭގައި ދެވޭ ތަޢުލީމުން ޙާޞިލު ކުރެވޭބާވައެވެޢާއިޝަތު ނާޖީ; Naajee, Aishath
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 356